
Kayak Trolling for Salmon 2023: Gear, Techniques, and Top Locations

As a experienced fisherman, I have spent countless hours on the water, honing my skills and perfecting my techniques. One of my favorite methods of fishing is kayak trolling for salmon. Not only is it a great way to get out on the water and enjoy the beautiful scenery, but it can also be incredibly productive. In this article, I’ll share some of my tips and tricks for successful salmon kayak trolling.

Gear for Salmon Kayak Trolling

The first step in successful salmon kayak trolling is having the right gear. Here are some essential items you’ll need:

  1. Kayak: A stable kayak with plenty of storage space is crucial. Look for a kayak with a weight capacity of at least 300 pounds, and consider getting one with a built-in fish finder.
  2. Paddle: You’ll need a paddle to propel your kayak through the water. Look for a lightweight, sturdy paddle with a comfortable grip.

How about a kayak trolling motor?

While a motor can be helpful in some situations, it is not a necessary piece of equipment. In fact, many kayak anglers prefer to rely on their own strength and paddling skills to move through the water.

There are several reasons why a motor may not be the best choice for kayak trolling. First and foremost, motors can be heavy and bulky, making them difficult to transport and store on a kayak. They can also be expensive, which may not be feasible for anglers on a budget.

Another factor to consider is the noise level. Salmon can be spooked by loud noises, including the sound of a motor. Kayak trolling allows anglers to move through the water quietly, which can increase their chances of catching fish.

That being said, there are situations where a motor can be beneficial. For example, if you are trolling in a strong current or against the wind, a motor can help you maintain your speed and direction. Additionally, if you have a medical condition or injury that limits your physical ability to paddle, a motor may be a helpful tool.

If you do decide to use a motor for kayak trolling, there are several options to consider. Electric motors are popular among kayak anglers because they are quiet, efficient, and environmentally friendly. Gas-powered motors are another option, but they can be louder and emit exhaust fumes.

3. Rod and reel: A medium to heavy-action rod with a spinning reel is best for kayak trolling. Choose a reel with a high gear ratio to make it easier to retrieve your lure.

4. Lures: The most effective lures for salmon kayak trolling are typically spoons, plugs, or spinners. Choose lures that mimic the baitfish in the area you’ll be fishing.

5. Line: A high-quality monofilament or braided line is essential. Choose a line that is strong enough to handle the weight of the fish you’ll be targeting.

6. Tackle: Bring a variety of hooks, sinkers, and swivels to customize your setup based on the conditions.

Techniques for Salmon Kayak Trolling

Once you have your gear ready, it’s time to start fishing. Here are some techniques that can help you catch more salmon:

  • Troll parallel to the shoreline: Salmon tend to swim close to the shoreline, so trolling parallel to the shore can be very effective.
  • Vary your speed: Try trolling at different speeds to see what works best. Sometimes a slow, steady pace is best, while other times a faster, more erratic retrieve can be more effective.
  • Use a downrigger: A downrigger can help you get your lure to the right depth. Set it at the depth where you see fish on your fish finder.
  • Watch for birds: Seagulls and other birds can be a good indicator of where the fish are feeding. Look for flocks of birds diving into the water, and troll in that area.

Locations for Salmon Kayak Trolling

Salmon can be found in many different bodies of water, but some locations are better than others for kayak trolling. Here are some of my favorite spots:

Rivers: Many rivers have strong runs of salmon, and kayak trolling can be very effective in these areas. Some rivers may have areas with rapids or other challenges, so it’s essential to research beforehand and be prepared with the right gear.

Bays and coves are also great locations for kayak trolling, especially during the early morning or late evening when salmon tend to be active. These sheltered areas provide a calmer environment, and anglers can take advantage of the fish’s behavior patterns during different times of day. In these spots, it’s crucial to be aware of any incoming tides, currents, or weather conditions that can affect the kayak’s stability.

Kayak trolling can also be very effective in nearshore waters, where salmon tend to feed on baitfish. These waters are typically within a few miles of the shoreline and can be found in both saltwater and freshwater environments. When trolling in nearshore waters, it’s essential to keep an eye out for any rocks or shallow areas that can pose a danger to the kayak.

Additionally, anglers need to be mindful of the local regulations and ensure they are fishing in a legal and sustainable manner.

In conclusion:

Overall, the key to a successful kayak trolling experience for salmon fishing is to research the locations beforehand, understand the fish’s behavior patterns, and have the right gear and techniques to tackle the specific environment. By doing so, anglers can increase their chances of reeling in the perfect catch. Happy fishing!


Q: How fast should I troll for salmon?
The trolling speed for salmon fishing can vary depending on the conditions and the lure being used. As a general rule, most anglers recommend trolling between 1.5 and 2.5 miles per hour for salmon fishing.

Q: How deep should I troll for salmon?
The depth for trolling salmon can depend on the location and the type of lure being used. In general, it’s recommended to troll at a depth of 10-30 feet for most salmon species. However, it’s essential to adjust the depth based on the water temperature, light conditions, and the behavior of the fish.

Q: What time of day is best to catch salmon?
Early morning and late evening are typically the best times to catch salmon, as they tend to be more active during low light conditions. However, this can vary depending on the location and the specific species of salmon being targeted.

Q: Do salmon like shallow or deep water?
Salmon can be found in both shallow and deep water, depending on the location and the time of year. During their migration, salmon tend to move through deeper waters, while they may stay in shallower waters to feed or rest.

Q: What should I troll for salmon?

The type of lure or bait used for trolling salmon can vary based on the location and the time of year. Some popular options include herring, anchovy, or baitfish imitations. Additionally, spoons, spinners, and jigs can also be effective in certain situations. It’s essential to research the location and understand the behavior of the fish to determine the best lure to use.